A letter from the GSB president:
June 5, 2007
Welcome to Iowa State University! This is an exciting time to be a Cyclone. With the university’s 150th anniversary celebration taking place over the course of the entire year, there will be no shortage of activities for students to get involved in. This will be a celebration of the things that make Iowa State a great place to be.
Our extensive system of clubs and organizations has something unique to offer every student. Whether you are interested in politics or sports clubs, engineering or video games, music or community service, there is a club for you here at Iowa State. Soon, clubs and organizations will be showcasing activities at ClubFest. If you can’t find the club you want to see, get some friends together and start one. Get involved in something you love and use it to make your mark on the ISU campus.
The Government of the Student Body will be a great resource to help you get involved in campus activities in the coming year. If you need help organizing an event, funding group activities, or if you have suggestions for campus improvements, stop by our offices to talk to us. If you have questions about virtually anything on campus, we can help you find the answers. We are here to work for you, and with your input, there is very little our student body cannot accomplish. We are your voice to the university administration, the city of Ames and the state of Iowa.
In the meantime, we will keep working for you to keep tuition reasonable, improve Campustown and keep you well-informed about how to get involved.
This is your opportunity to shape your own individual Iowa State experience. Iowa State’s network of campus organizations is a great way to make your time here unforgettable. Take advantage of Iowa State’s student activities, services and community involvement. Have a great time exploring what your university has to offer. Go Cyclones!
Brian Phillips
Government of the Student Body