AMUSE: Dutch Oven Bakery makes fresh-baked treats from scratch

Holly Morgan

When your sweet tooth is calling you, Krispy Kreme isn’t the only option. Dutch Oven Bakery, 219 Duff Ave., may be a bit out of your way, but may be worth the drive.

Serving everything from cake to salad to coffee, this family-owned and operated bakery has been in existence since 1983 at its Boone location, but was so successful that an Ames location was opened in 1989.

“We have a great atmosphere here at Dutch Oven,” said Diana Glidden, the Ames store manager. “We try to offer all the things you need in a small business, like being service-oriented, casual and friendly – things you don’t find in other places.”

The bakery is currently undergoing a construction project to make the atmosphere more casual, yet upscale.

“We really want to jazz it up,” Glidden said.

The bakery has 13 employees at the Ames location, and 50 in total.

Rachel Davis, freshman in pre-business, has been working at the bakery for almost a year.

“We have really nice people. We have regulars that come in daily and that’s really fun,” she said. “The people I work with are all really nice, plus we get to taste everything.”

After tasting the menu’s wide variety of items, Davis has a few favorites.

“I really like the apple fritters, and anything with our almond paste in it,” said Davis.

Almond paste makes Dutch baking different, Glidden said. The paste adds flavor to its distinctive items, such as Dutch letters.

“Dutch letters are our signature items, and pastries and breads,” Glidden said. “But, we also have a lot that’s not Dutch. The thing that makes the difference in our items is that they are made from scratch. There are no preservatives.”

Dutch Oven Bakery also specializes in items such as birthday and wedding cakes, and soups and sandwiches during the day.

“We have become really diversified in our items. Anymore you have to be diversified in a business,” Glidden said.

When visiting the Dutch Oven Bakery, you may be overwhelmed by all the delicious-looking choices, but Davis has some suggestions.

“I would suggest the Dutch letters and our white cake,” she said. “It is really great, probably the best cake in town.”