Stand-up face-off

Brian Hooyman

Tuesday night was filled with the sound of laughter as students tested their wit during VEISHEA Says I’m Funny at the Maintenance Shop of the Memorial Union.

Colton Meyer, freshman in environmental science, and Alyssa Staley, freshman in political science, served as the student involvement coordinators for the Veishea event.

Meyer said that it is a very popular event at Veishea – evident from the 200 people crammed inside the M-Shop, with even more standing outside trying to hear a few jokes.

This year there were seven candidates, which ended up not being enough, as the show ended early.

Students who were interested in performing had to sign up online by March 30. From there, the contestants were selected in advance, but this year an additional contestant was added right before the show.

The comedians competed for cash prizes of $150, $75 and $25, which were awarded by three judges who strongly resembled those of American Idol.

One of the judges, Thomas Greenbowe, professor of chemistry, said he is the one who tends to gravitate toward “dry humor.”

“I’d have to say that I’m more like the Simon Cowell-type of judge,” Greenbowe said. “Just don’t expect me to criticize any of the comedians vocally.”

Brent Behrens, junior in speech communication, opened up the show while warming up the crowd. Behrens ended up receiving second place for the second year in a row.

“I’m really happy with the crowd response I got,” Behrens said.

This year’s winner was Andrew Wake, senior in interdisciplinary studies, who was unavailable for comment after the show.

Andrea Niemeyer, junior in pre-advertising, was very nervous at first, but still recommended that all people try stand-up comedy at least once in their life.

“You have to know that it’s OK to be foolish and stupid up on stage,” Niemeyer said, “Because five to 10 minutes later, no one will remember you.”