Staying sober on a Saturday

Ann Grey

To some this may sound like a crazy idea, but to others, it’s life. So when FYI decided to ask students what to do when they’re sober on a weekend night, many eyes ended up glazing over in confusion and utter disbelief.

Yes, it’s a novel idea to be sober. But not crazy. Just because you are not ingesting alcohol, you should not write off the fact that you might actually have fun.

Whether you just feeling like kicking it without the booze, or you are too hungover to handle even the thought of one more beer, being sober on a Saturday can be quite the experience.

Here are a few options FYI came up with for the sober students.

Campus activities

There is always something to do on campus. Whether it is attending one of the many night movies being shown, an event in the Memorial Union or a play put on by ISU Theatre, there is never a lack of things to see and do.

“Concerts are held at the M-Shop,” said Abbas Naqvi, Maintenance Shop employee and senior in mechanical engineering. “All ages are allowed, and you don’t have to drink, so it’s good.”

Drunk people watching/study observation

Although it may not be for research credit, this timeless activity will never let you down. It is people watching of the best kind – people watching the drunks. So take a seat somewhere nice and hopefully warm where you can chill and watch the drunken world go by. Drunk college students say the darndest things and do the craziest stuff.

Now those great stories that everyone comes back with after the weekend can be enhanced with fact that you actually remember them. Blackmail, anyone?

Prime locations: Welch Avenue and drunk bus.

Designated driving

Not only will you be a big hit with the friends, but you can have the power to make sure they get home safe and sound.

Being a designated driver may not sound like fun, but it can be rewarding when you know your boozed-up friends didn’t somehow end up in a gutter.

Getting to know someone . for real

Although some hilarity can come out of the mouths of the less-than-sober, no one can deny the great conversation of the clear-minded.

In sobriety, friends can be made not just for Facebook purposes, but for real life. Get to know someone new or get to know someone better by going to dinner or coffee.

A good conversation can give you as much of a buzz as any drink. Without a social lubricant it can be scary, but it’s good for you.

Just hanging out

Just because it’s a Saturday night doesn’t mean you have to go out. Sometimes staying at home in sweats is the best idea of all – especially in blizzard conditions.

“On the weekends if no one is drinking we’ll mostly just stay in the dorms and watch movies,” said Mackenzie Scott, freshman in family finance, housing and policy.

“We order food or we will make food. That is a good way to spend time.”


And as always, there are the usual fallbacks. “Play video games. Rent a movie,” suggests Mike DeCoursey, senior in history.

There are many things you can do drunk, but just as many, if not more, options when sober. Besides, the efficiency which with you do these activities is probably going to be better when coherent.

There are movies to go to, coffees to sip on, balls to be bowled, books to be read and the list goes on.

So when next Saturday rolls around and you are trying to decide what to do, remember that even though it may seem like it, the bar is not the only option.