Religion of mystery: Hubbard who?

Ann Grey

Scientology is one of the newest religions and has become the talk of the town. With spiritual followers and advocates such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta, one can only speculate what this contemporary, seemingly glamorous religion entails.

Some of us may imagine all Scientologists frequent Oprah’s couch and dance around – how wrong we are.

According to the book “What is Scientology?” by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology was developed by Hubbard himself in 1950.

It was first introduced to the public in his book, “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.”

This book was one of the first ideas of its kind, and made Dianetics the main focus of what is now Scientology.

Followers started the church in California in 1954, said the Rev. Brian Fesler, director of special affairs at the Church of Scientology of Minnesota.

“L. Ron Hubbard was just a guy, a humanitarian. We don’t consider him a prophet,” he said. “[Hubbard] was interested in people and wanted to reach full potential of the mind.”

Fesler, who has been studying Scientology for 16 years, described Scientology as “an all-denominational religion.” Scientologists acknowledge a higher being, but do not tell followers what to believe. People are encouraged to study other religions in addition to Scientology if they want to.

“We have Jewish Scientologists and Christian Scientologists. We don’t try to convert you and you don’t have to give up faith traditions,” Fesler said.

Fesler said Scientology differs in that followers first focus on themselves, with a goal of eventually focusing on God.

“Most people come in interested in themselves,” he said. “Once they are under control they start looking out on improving things with their families, then improving things with a group. They grow, and then they take on more responsibility for mankind and the planet. They expand to becoming more aware of God.”

Scientology has theories that set it apart from other popular religions, including that people are mostly good, which is a hypothesis that does not coincide with some more popular religions.

Scientology is different from other spiritual studies in that it helps you to fix problems you may have, Fesler said.

Scientologists work through these matters through auditing, one of the main Scientology practices.

According to, auditing is “Scientology counseling; a very unique form of personal counseling which helps an individual look at his own existence and improves his ability to confront what he is and where he is.” Auditing allows the person to move past his or her problems.

Personal study is also important in this religion. Scientology buildings tend to look like educational institutions rather than traditional churches.

“Church is more like school setting. Classes run all week long and it is a guided self study,” Fesler said. Scientologists are allowed to come and go as they please.

So what’s all the buzz about this religion in Hollywood?

Fesler believes the exposure is a good thing.

“Nobody is going to choose their religion because a celebrity follows it,” Fesler said. “But someone might look into it, try to learn more.”

Although Fesler attributes much of celebrities’ successes to Scientology, their personalities also play a role in their actions.

More information on Scientology can be found at or by e-mailing Fesler at [email protected].