FEEDBACK: GSB shining example of city involvement
March 29, 2007
From weekly city council meetings, to the Government of the Student Body-sponsored Political Action Week during fall semester, to last weekend’s Families in Ames Celebrating EthnicitieS celebration, GSB members are a regular presence at community events.
Last fall, Political Action Week drew hundreds of Ames residents and thousands of students to central campus.
Those in attendance participated in open political dialogue and heard speeches by political personalities from local, state and national government.
I think everyone involved would agree that the week-long celebration could not have occurred without the hard work and support of GSB.
During the annual FACES celebration, most of the student volunteers were GSB member, and GSB had a booth set up in the morning where many residents stopped by to learn more about student issues. Events such as FACES are great opportunities for student-community interaction.
I’m not suggesting GSB is the only way students can positively interact with community members. There are plenty of other student organizations involved with the community that make Ames a more vibrant community.
Yet, GSB is the one constant at community events. We are made up of students from every college and residence, and our primary purpose is to represent student interests.
As the director of academic affairs, I’m the student representative on the Faculty Senate, so if you have any questions or concerns for me, feel free to send an e-mail to [email protected].
John Kvinge
Director of Academic Affairs