Musing about AMUSE

We know what you’re thinking: What is AMUSE? Why should I take a break from finding a five-letter name for “Kel’s pal on Nickelodeon” in my crossword to care?

With so many opportunities for amusement, it’s easy for ideas or activities to get lost in the stack. AMUSE is the gathering place for these sources of inspiration. Whether it’s a new favorite restaurant, a promising local band or a personal question you were too embarrassed to ask, AMUSE is a place to pull it all together.

First and foremost, you need a calendar that will give you information about the events you care about. Not every student who will attend a business conference will be interested in attending a bikini contest, but you never know. Keeping that in mind, we are working hard to bring you a diverse calendar. It will contain activities and events happening in both the Ames and ISU communities, from the sinful to the spiritual and everything in between.

Each week, our feature story will highlight one of these events. This is the section to find out how the muse – that entity that provides inspiration for each of us – affects people at Iowa State. Our “Have You Ever Tried” section will also feature a unique local activity.

Inspiration can come from everyday tasks you have to get through to make it to the weekends. Because college students are sometimes strapped for cash, we’re bringing you an “On a Budget” section so you can spend your money on what you want and still have some left for more important things. We’re sure you’ll think of something.

With so many ideas captured in AMUSE, we want you to see that, above all, there really are a lot of choices in Ames. You have so many opportunities to be amused – and inspired – and AMUSE will bring them to you every Thursday in the Iowa State Daily.

Kel’s pal is “Kenan,” by the way.

This week in AMUSE:

Restaurant highlight:The Spice

Have you ever tried the Ames Poetry Slam?

On a budget: Spring-ify your wardrobe

How to: Installing surround sound systems

Local events and activities