Regents to discuss funding for projects

Jonathan Avise

By Jon Avise

Daily Staff Writer

ISU officials will go before the Board of Regents at its general meeting Wednesday in Ames to discuss two large projects that could help open the door to new opportunities in science and athletics.

Just days after losing out on a $500 million biofuel research plant to be funded by petroleum giant BP, Iowa State will ask the board to approve a proposal to request $32 million from the Legislature to build and staff a biorenewables research facility, according to regent documents.

If the board and the Legislature approve Iowa State’s request, the new $28 million facility would lead to new opportunities for research funding from external sources, said ISU President Gregory Geoffroy.

“Having a lab building like this and an expansion in the number of professors and students working on research in renewables will make Iowa State even more attractive for corporate partnerships and federal grants,” Geoffroy said.

ISU officials will also present a report detailing the $19.5 million renovations the university has planned for Jack Trice Stadium in the next few years.

The improvements to the 31-year-old stadium are the first phase of the $135 million athletic facilities master plan Athletic Director Jamie Pollard has envisioned for Cyclone athletics.

Planned upgrades to Jack Trice include the construction of 22 new suites, replacing concessions and bathrooms on both sides of the stadium and renovating the Cyclone Club, among many others, according to the regents’ February meeting docket.

Funding for the renovations would be provided by $3.5 million in gifts already committed to the athletic department and $16 million in bonds to be paid back with revenue from stadium suites.

Final approval for the first phase of Iowa State’s plan could come at the regents’ meeting in June.