5 ways the Iowa State Daily is more than just a newspaper

Erin Dekoster

Every day the Iowa State Daily is used for its intended purpose: to inform campus of current events and supply bored students with entertainment in the form of the crossword. What some readers may not know is that the Daily can be used for many other unconventional, yet useful tasks.

Cleaning rag

Spill your coffee in class? No problem. When the more absorbent materials such as paper towels, rags and toilet paper aren’t around, just reach for your copy of the Daily.

The large number of pages in each issue provides you with many opportunities to clean your mess up. Did one page fail to soak up the whole cup? Reach for another. Just be cautious of the newspaper ink and liquid mixture it may create – it can be vicious.

Window coverings

If the sun graciously wakes you up every morning by beating into your poor, defenseless eyes, the Daily can be of service. All you need is one edition and a roll of tape.

The paper is the perfect length to cover most window wells. Because of its light weight, tape is strong enough to hold it up. The Daily can be your answer to the sun when it tries to invade your much-needed sleep.

Wrapping paper

Buying that expensive gift for your better half – or your mother – should be enough. Don’t go broke by spending $10 on fancy wrapping paper too.

The Iowa State Daily is the perfect way to wrap a gift for anyone, especially if he or she once attended school here. “Look mom, I even got you an issue of the Daily so you can see what’s happening on campus.” They never need to know that it was just because you were too cheap to buy the fancy kind.


Just fashion yourself a dress, shirt and even a skirt out of its many pages and fasten it with your choice of adhesive. The Daily is versatile and flattering on all body types. Ask your roommate to help you secure the hard to reach places and you are ready to hit the streets with a one-of-a-kind outfit.

Heating Blanket

Who needs to purchase a $30 heating blanket when one is delivered to campus in bulk every morning? Just stockpile a week’s worth of Dailys and you are set. Lay each issue out over your bedsheet and create a blanket, then lay your bedspread on top of your newspaper creation. It is an automatic cocoon. When your roommate turns the thermostat down to 45 degrees, no worries: You’ll have your Iowa State Daily blanket all ready to go.