Networks try to fix TV season with new shows

Jill Blackledge

Most TV shows make a fall premiere, but some don’t last beyond the winter. In an attempt to pick up the slump, most studios release midseason shows. Some are returning favorites, such as “24,” and others are spin-offs, such as “The Apprentice: L.A.”

Many people, however, miss these midseason premieres. Seth Hedquist, junior in history, said he’s unfamiliar with any of the new shows on network TV.

“I wish I had more knowledge about it,” Hedquist said. “I couldn’t answer much about what’s out there and what’s new.”

Katie Vande Wall, junior in elementary education, also said she was unfamiliar with midseason shows.

Although some people don’t recognize the networks’ new lineups, they do think that the TV channels are attempting to boost ratings.

“It’s like a test to see if they’re going to make it, since most last only a few months,” Vande Wall said.

Hedquist said he thought that networks were just trying to bring in something new for audiences. Here is a list of what the networks hope will be their new hits.