Caffeine takes new forms

Ann Grey

New forms of caffeine products have appeared in the marketplace and are sure to turn heads. College students have always looked for new ways to get the kick they need to get through their 8 a.m. lecture. As our parents turned to coffee and the occasional soda for their energy needs, students today rely on caffeine in pill form and energy drinks for late-night cram sessions. In fact, many college students feel inadequate without their daily dosage of caffeine.

“I would have two shots of espresso in at least one drink a day, and I started putting extra shots in cans and bottles,” said Christen Meyer, freshman in liberal arts and sciences-open option. “I have at least two cups of coffee a day.”

Caffeine is part of campus culture, and many are reliant on the awakened feeling that results from it. So, FYI has compiled a list of some of the most innovative caffeine products to date.

Caffeinated energy tablets

A new brand of energy tablets brings new life to your favorite drink. Umph Energy Tablets dissolve in any drink you choose, making the drinks caffeinated. With 99 milligrams of caffeine per serving, you could even get that beloved caffeine buzz from your milk. The possibilities are endless.

*Umph Energy Tablets available at

(Information gathered from

Caffeinated soap

Caffeine is not solely ingested via the mouth. This product is absorbed through the skin, going directly into your body and giving you that much-needed boost of caffeine while you shower. Shower Shock is a brand of caffeinated soap, made with enough caffeine to keep you awake for even an 8 a.m. lecture – a whopping 200 milligrams per serving.

*Shower Shock Caffeinated Soap available at

(Information gathered from

Caffeinated lip balm

Lip balm is no longer just for the sole purpose of keeping your lips unchapped and moist. It is now used to keep you alert in even the toughest situations. According to, this product was originally invented by an Alaskan police officer who needed to protect his lips from the cold and stay alert. Spazzstick Lip Balm was the outcome of this necessity, becoming one of the first of its kind. This caffeinated cream is absorbed through the lips, and energizes as it moisturizes.

*Spazzstick Lip Balm available at

(Information gathered from and

Caffeinated mints

Think caffeine pills, but with minty freshness. Ingenious? Of course. If you are in a time bind and cannot muster the energy or the time to make that pot of java, you can skip your morning coffee routine and pop one of these babies in, not only giving you that extra jolt of energy, but also taming that nasty morning breath.

There are a variety of caffeinated mints, including those that come in chocolate flavors. Yum.

*Variety of caffeinated mints available at

Caffeinated donuts/bagels

The newest caffeine product on the market, making a splash with both caffeine consumers and people with a passion for pastries, is the caffeinated donut and bagel. Likely to be named Buzz Donuts, these invigorating pastries were developed by Robert Bohannon. They contain caffeine for those who pass up the cup of joe in the morning, or those who need an extra jolt. And these donuts promise to give that jolt, with up to 100 milligrams of caffeine per serving.

*Buzz Donuts likely to be available at coffee or donut chains in the near future

(Information gathered from

Campus caffeine comments

“I’m not really the kind of person that is going to take something that is going to stimulate me,” said Sarah Johnson, sophomore in psychology. “I can see a grad student or someone with a heavy load using them. But I like my sleep.”

“I’ve had the mints and they taste weird. They have a weird aftertaste, so I put them away – gross,” said Christen Meyer, freshman in liberal arts and sciences-open option. “I would probably try the soap. That actually sounds interesting. You probably wouldn’t have enough to get addicted, but you would have something to energize you in the morning.”