6 ways to conquer first-week boredom

Chelsea Desousa

For many students, the first week of classes involves receiving syllabuses, getting familiar with new professors and settling back in to campus life. There is often little, if any, homework assigned and some find they have a lot of free time to do as they please.

“I’m going to try to learn to play the guitar,” said David Pace, junior in mechanical engineering.

Amanda Liesse, sophomore in animal science, said she planned to unpack and catch up with people she hasn’t seen all break.

However, some students may have no idea what to do the first week back. For those who don’t already have plans or simply want some suggestions, FYI is here to help. Here are six ways to fight your back-to-school boredom.

1. Flashlight tag on Central Campus

Scrounge up a flashlight and head to Central Campus for a game of tag with a twist. Pick a “base,” such as the steps to the Campanile, and choose one person to be “it.” This individual should man the flashlight and have everyone else hide. The giant pine trees located between Curtiss Hall and Beardshear Hall allow for great hiding places. The “it” player should then search for the others with the flashlight. The goal for the other players is to reach the base before “it” can find them.

2. Play a drinking game

If you like card games involving alcohol, try “Circle of Death.” All you need is a few friends, a pack of cards and some drinks to get you started. Place the drink in the middle of the table and place the deck of cards around it. Next, each player takes a turn drawing a card and performs the action associated with the card. Once he has done the action, he places the card on top of the drink. The game continues until the cards are knocked over. The player who knocks them over must drink the beverage underneath. For more information on how to play the game, visit www.drinkinggamerules.com. Remember to always drink responsibly.

3. Spoil yourself

Head to The Salon Professional Academy, 309 Kitty Hawk Drive, and treat yourself to a manicure, pedicure or facial. Prices are relatively inexpensive, ranging from $10 to $20. Enjoy being pampered before the stress of the semester sets in. Call 232-7250 to make an appointment.

4. Catch up on some gossip

Head to Borders, 1200 S. Duff Ave., and grab a comfy chair and some magazines to sift through. The relaxed atmosphere is perfect for catching up on celebrity dirt, such as Britney Spears’ latest underwear status. Don’t forget to bring a few friends who love celebrity gossip.

5. Try the Beardshear-Curtiss Challenge

This game involves guts and a good stride. Remove all clothing and wait until the stroke of midnight. The goal is to streak from top of the stairs of Beardshear Hall to the top of the stairs of Curtiss Hall in the time it takes for the Campanile to chime 12 times. Good luck!

6. Mentos and Diet Coke

Many of you have probably seen the online videos of this fountain-producing chemical reaction. To replicate it, take a 2-liter bottle of carbonated soda and mint-flavored Mentos. Simply drop the Mentos into the soda and watch it flow. In case you haven’t already seen it online, check out www.YouTube.com/watch?v=hKoB0MHVBvM for an especially entertaining demonstration. Please wear safety goggles. A pop bottle to the eye could hurt.