7 quick ideas for overnight motivation

Paul Nemeth

Each year during Dead Week and Finals Week, students study for much longer than at any other time of the year. For some students, all-nighters are necessary, but that doesn’t have to mean that they will be bored the entire night. FYI has come up with seven fun things to do – or ideas of just how to keep pressing on – to help make your late-night study sessions a little more bearable.

1. Are you going to be up all night long? Caffeine is a quick fix, but sometimes drinking a pop or energy drink just isn’t fun. What can you do then? Make an espresso cake. It’s easy. Get out your mother’s cookbook and just add some ground espresso beans into the mix. Who knew that staying up all night could taste so delicious?

2. Have days of studying made you tense? Take a trip to Jordan Creek Town Center. One word: Brookstone. It’s by far one of the most interesting stores in Jordan Creek with its Tempur-Pedic mattresses, massage chairs and other relaxation-oriented gadgets and gizmos. All those kinks in your neck from hovering over a book or computer will thank you for the visit.

3. Have you been drifting off? If you listen to music while you study, download Benny Hill’s “Yakety Sax.” Setting your playlist to shuffle, sporadically the high-intensity saxophone will perk you up and keep you pressing on. If you’d like, comically chase someone around like in a “Benny Hill” episode – even if your equally stressed roommate might roll his or her eyes in disgust.

4. Are you a little frustrated with all of the work your professors gave you? Release your anger. Go to Target or Wal-Mart and buy a pinata. Start off by trying to work out your problem by telling the pinata what’s been troubling you. If that doesn’t work, let the pinata have it. Plus, there’s candy inside for you to enjoy.

5. Not much for violence? Fair enough. Take the Ghandi approach. Get some incense and meditate. Finding your center is a good way to take your mind off of the fact that you have an essay test on Thursday.

6. Is it hard to focus on your studies for a long period of time? If you’re feeling a little too serious, take a step back away from your studies, crank up the volume on your music and for 20 minutes, be as crazy as you want. Dance around like a complete idiot, do somersaults – heck, jump on your bed. Once you get the craziness out of your system, it should be easier to study.

7. Tired of learning about other people? It’s about time you took a break to focus on yourself. Take a shower or a relaxing bath. Eat your favorite meal. Do whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Once you’ve taken care of yourself, you’ll be ready to learn about others for a while.