Healthy holidays

When the holidays roll around, health is often not a topic that is focused on. Cookies are a mainstay in a typical holiday diet and seasonal eggnog is the drink of choice.

Not all enjoyable activities and foods need to be avoided. In fact, it is best to enjoy some of what you like during this celebratory time so you do not feel deprived.

If you are seeking out gifts that will help your family members or friends maintain or improve their health, the Daily has compiled a list of options that will suit individuals who have many different interests.

Mental health gifts:

Aromatherapy lotion/candles

Research has found that aromatherapy reduces anxiety, headaches, fatigue and allergies. Lavender has been shown to increase deep sleep levels, and improve depressive symptoms. Peppermint may decrease fatigue and nauseous feelings.

Nutrition gifts:

Healthy cookbooks

These will help people learn that they can cook for themselves and make healthier fare than is normally found when dining out. Cookbooks can save the receiver money as well, as fresh ingredients prepared can be cheaper than restaurant meals.

Water bottle

Water is essential to health, and having a bottle handy may lead to more water being consumed. As exercise increases, water intake should increase as well, so this would be a great addition to any of the exercise-related gifts.

Fruit baskets

People sometimes send cakes or cookies during the holidays, but fruit baskets are a healthier alternative. There is normally an abundance of sweets, and having extra fruit around may influence some to make better dietary choices.

Combination gifts:

Red wine and chocolate-covered strawberries

Both chocolate and red wine have been found to contain beneficial antioxidants. Strawberries also are great sources of phytonutrients and vitamin C. When eaten regularly, they can help improve eyesight and prevent rheumatoid arthritis. Research has found that these foods are also aphrodisiacs.

Health magazine subscription

Health magazines offer meaningful advice that can improve one’s health. Most quality magazines include tips about fitness, nutrition, sexual and mental health. This gift also keeps on giving, because many subscriptions last a year or more.

Fitness gifts:

Resistance bands

These lightweight, small fitness tools are great for weight training without carrying around heavy dumbbells. Stretchy, rubber band-like material make these ideal for travel and cramped living spaces.

Fitness DVDs/videos

Winter is the perfect time to stock up on fitness gear that can be used in the house. These can be used to fit in exercise even when the weather is not cooperating. Look for an item that fits the level of fitness of the receiver, but still challenges them a bit.

Jump rope

Jump ropes lost their novelty after third grade, but they are a great fitness tool. You can burn about 100 calories in just 10 minutes of jumping rope. This action can build agility and cardiovascular fitness. Jumping rope also improves coordination.

Running shoes

New shoes are a great motivator for those who are interested in beginning a fitness routine. Walking is one of the easiest ways

to exercise and is easy on the joints. Shoes also allow for progression from walking to running, as the person receiving the gift improves their fitness level.

Entry fee for a race

Races often donate proceeds to charity, so you can feel good about two things: you are helping others you will never meet, and encouraging your friends to do something healthy for themselves. An additional motivator would be to take part in the race with them.

Workout apparel

New exercise clothes can be a great motivator for those seeking fitness. When one is deciding whether to hit the gym, the new outfit you gave them may be the one thing that encourages them to hit the weights or the track. They feel good about themselves and want to keep up their good appearance.

Stability ball

This gift is not too compact once inflated, but its uses will make up for the space it fills. The ball can be used for abdominal work and be used in place of a weight bench for a bench press or chest fly when used with dumbbells. Replacing a desk chair or recliner with a stability ball can strengthen your core while doing other activities.