Gift cards: unthoughtful or the perfect gift?

Gabe Hibben

As the holiday season approaches, one thing is for certain: Gift cards will be abundant. They offer the convenience of not having to shop and all the pleasure of a real gift.

Today, it is rare to find a retailer that does not offer gift cards. They have become so popular that many store managers encourage their employees to sell them.

“We actually run contests to see who can sell the most,” said Amanda Fetters, senior in management and manager of Bath & Body Works, 2801 Grand Ave. “The number we’ve sold has definitely gone up in the past couple years.”

Local Ames businesses are also offering gift cards.

“Gift cards are a great way to go if you don’t know sizes or what the person you’re looking for wants,” said Leah Ackerman, freshman in pre-business and employee of T-Galaxy, 206 Welch Ave. “It’s our priority to sell our merchandise in the store, and selling gift cards helps us do that.”

A large number of gift cards that Bath & Body Works sells is to men, Fetters said.

So, have men finally found a foolproof gift idea for women?

“Gift cards are a good way to save your butt, especially if you don’t know what to get,” said Matthew McGrath, junior in health and human performance. “They’re not as thoughtful, but it’s better than getting them nothing at all.”

However, not all women are thrilled to see a tiny piece of plastic instead of a considerate gift.

“Boyfriends who buy gift cards for their girlfriends are lazy. We want men to put thought into the gifts,” said Michelle Skinner, junior in English.

With advancements in technology, gift cards are no longer just pieces of plastic. Target is releasing the first-ever gift card that is also an MP3 player.

“The gift card will hold up to 12 full-length songs and has its own ear phones,” said Laura Jaeger, manager of Target, 320 S. Duff Ave. “The card must be loaded with a minimum of $50, but the MP3 player is reloadable and reusable after the money is redeemed.”

Many last-minute shoppers enjoy the convenience of gift cards while recipients have the freedom to choose what they want as a gift. Some would call that a win-win situation.