Use talents, curiosity to best enjoy volunteering

Katie Hazekamp

Everywhere you look there is someone who needs your help. With so many volunteer opportunities, yet so little spare time, it is important to make the most out of your volunteering experiences. While choosing how to volunteer your time, keep these tips in mind:

1. To find volunteer opportunities near you, do your research. Look in church newsletters, volunteer newsletters or even do a search online. Keep in mind that nonprofit organizations always appreciate help.

2. Look for volunteer opportunities that you’ll enjoy and feel good about doing. Don’t just volunteer just for the sake of volunteering or because you feel like you should. Do something that interests you and is important in your life. If you especially care about children, help out with childcare or consider mentoring a child, for example. If you love animals, volunteer at the local humane society. Make it worthwhile.

3. Volunteer for something that will contribute to achieving your life goals. If you wish to travel the world some day, participate in a volunteer program abroad.

4. Contribute the skills you have to offer. If you’re an elementary education major, use your teaching talent. If you love socializing, volunteer in a socially active environment. If you’re an all-star soccer player, help coach a soccer camp. If you’d rather volunteer “behind the scenes,” help with administrative work.

5. Bond with your family, friends or significant other. Volunteer with people you care about to make your experience extra special.

Although it may sound contradictory, it is important to think of yourself too. By considering your personal interests when volunteering, you’ll not only benefit those in need, but yourself as well.