I am more than an international student


Yean Xen Lim

Is our identity defined by us, or the people around us? To me, I believe that we craft our own identity, and our peers serve as our guide to remind us, criticize us, and encourage us so that we can become who we truly aspire to be.

My name is Lim Yean Xen, and I am an international student from a country that is halfway across the world – Malaysia.

My country is much like the United States where it is built by people with very different backgrounds. Malaysia is known for its diverse culture, religion, and people.

But unfortunately, it also struggles with many social injustices such discrimination based on race, sex, religion, poverty, and so forth.

Witnessing this as I was growing up, I wanted to make a difference as I can see the amazing things that could have been achieved had we overcome our differences by listening and understanding each other.

My desire to make a difference resonated with me even when I joined Iowa State. Although Iowa State is a diverse campus that has around 3700 international students, I could still see the same issues I faced back home.

There is a disconnect between the different communities, primarily between the domestic and international population. And for the first time, I was the minority and encountered many disadvantages that I didn’t know exist. It is why I became the Vice President for International Student Council (ISC).

Through ISC, I hope to bring people with different backgrounds together and help establish the platform, which is currently lacking, for international students to voice their concerns.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I strive to be a leader that can balance work and fun. Other than that, I believe the key to leadership is to listen, making sure that each and everyone of my members have their voices heard. Whenever I stumble across an obstacle, I will continue to move forward as I believe what I am currently doing serves something bigger than myself, that’s what keeps me going.

I believe that inclusivity and diversity are two very different things. A place can be diverse yet non inclusive.

Therefore, for my legacy, I aim to make International Student Council the platform for international students to voice their concerns and be the organization that works with Iowa State departments, faculty and students for the betterment of the Iowa State experience for international students.

If you are a new and an emerging leader, remember that no matter what, always listen, as people around us are the guides to help us become our better selves.

Although I encounter many difficulties, but instead of waiting to be helped, I choose to help myself. Hopefully my efforts will help future students enjoy their time here at Iowa State.

I am more than an international student.