Jensen’s speech discusses state of the student body

Kevin Stillman

A week after Thanksgiving, Government of the Student Body President Emily Jensen took some time to count GSB’s blessings and start her wish list for after Christmas.

In her State of the Student Body address, Jensen echoed her inaugural challenge to focus on the mission of GSB while also praising work accomplished during the first two sessions of GSB and setting priorities for senators’ attention for the new year.

“Just to remind you, the mission of the Government of the Student Body is to strengthen students’ voices and enhance students’ experiences at Iowa State University through active representation, engagement and support,” Jensen said.

Among the “tangible benefits” highlighted by Jensen were the various initiatives started to improve communication with students, obtaining politicians’ pledges toward funding higher education and organizing Political Action Week.

“The week saw thousands of students participate, observe and react to local and national issues and proved itself to be worthy of future development,” Jensen said.

Stressing that senators’ terms “aren’t over yet,” Jensen laid out goals for the future.

She said GSB will focus on establishing a more direct link between state appropriations and tuition at Iowa universities, as well as working more closely with the city of Ames and overseeing the creation of a new multicultural center in the Memorial Union.

Before closing, Jensen extended her thanks to senators who won’t be returning to Iowa State next semester and offered words of encouragement to returning members.

“We have had a tremendously successful second session and have many more opportunities for involvement in the third,” Jensen said.