Agricultural law center approved

Jon Avise

With little debate, the board Wednesday unanimously approved the establishment of a Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation at Iowa State. The center – a part of the College of Agriculture – will provide information to the agricultural community regarding the relevance and application of changes in agricultural law, according to the Regents’ November meeting docket.

“I know that this is something that is strongly supported by the bar in rural Iowa, particularly,” said Regents Board Member Robert Downer. “This has been a valuable resource over the years, and I think this will even improve that. It’s a very worthwhile program.”

Projected costs total more than $1.23 million for the first three years, and approximately one-third of the funds will be reallocated by the university from “several sources,” including the College of Agriculture, Extension and the Experiment Station, according to the November docket. The remaining costs will be covered by client fees.