Police investigate break-in, attempted robbery in Ames

Dan Mcclanahan

Ames Police are still investigating a break-in and attempted robbery that occurred Tuesday night.

Officer Jason Tuttle said police received a 911 call shortly after 11 p.m. from 215 Sinclair St. apt. #112. Six squad cars and two ambulances were immediately sent to the scene.

Five men, one of which witnesses said they knew, had apparently boosted each other up to a second-story balcony and broke in through a sliding door.

Eyewitness Susan Opalek, 23, said she saw the men enter the living room and immediately locked herself in the bathroom after realizing one of the intruders had a gun.

Opalek’s boyfriend and apartment resident Ryan Fish, 29, was roused from bed and assaulted by the intruders.

“They told me to turn out my pockets.They were trying to rob my ass,” Fish said.

Fish said the men smashed glass containers on a shelf with a baseball bat, showering the floor with broken glass and potpourri. He said the men beat him with their fists and held a gun to his throat. The bat was left behind at the apartment.

Opalek was visiting Fish from her home state of Michigan.

Opalek said one of the intruders who had visited the apartment on several occasions may have gathered the other intruders to help him collect a debt he was owed from a card game played with mutual friends in the apartment the previous night.

After hearing yells, screams and thuds, Opalek said she called the police.

The four unknown intruders, described as three black men and one white man by Fish, immediately fled the scene. The fifth intruder remained at the scene until police arrived but has not been arrested.

Although badly bruised, Fish was not immediately transported to the hospital.

On the scene, Tuttle said he believed the investigation will proceed quickly; however, by 2 p.m. Wednesday, no arrests had yet been made.