Up-and-coming calendar to highlight ISU women’s accomplishments

Sarah Huckby

A dozen ISU women will be recognized for their achievements in a 2007 calendar.

The Catt Associates are putting together a calendar that will highlight the accomplishments of selected ISU students, faculty and staff.

Catt Associates is a Government of the Student Body-sponsored group that promotes women in leadership positions.

The group’s debut calendar, set to be released in January, will picture 12 women from a variety of backgrounds and who are accomplished in their fields. The calendar will be called Women Impacting ISU, and is funded by the Women’s Enrichment Mini-Grant.

“We want to highlight all of the hard work women have contributed to ISU,” said Jenna Jones, senior in management and secretary of Catt Associates.

The winners will exhibit achievement in athletics, science and various other community achievements.

The Women’s Enrichment Mini Grant, care of the Office of the Provost, has made funding for the calendars possible. Catt Associates was awarded a $2,000 grant at the end of October and decided to make the calendar as a means of promoting women in leadership at Iowa State.

“We hope this will inspire other women to realize that people can impact Iowa State at any level,” said Marisa Stadlman, senior in journalism and mass communication and president of Catt Associates.

Stadlman worked with Jones in deciding how to use the funds provided for the grant.

The Catt Associates are currently looking for nominees from the ISU community. Anyone can nominate a woman they feel has taken action to make Iowa State a better place. Applications are available at www.iastate.edu/~cccatt/.

Deadline for making nominations is Nov. 27. Winners will be notified by Dec. 1.