CyRide orange route closes stops near rec

Wes Kappelman

The CyRide orange route closed two stops Tuesday afternoon because ISU Police Division Officers were investigating a vehicle accident that knocked down a light pole on Beach Avenue.

An ISU Services truck was involved in the accident, which occurred in front of the Lied Recreation Athletic Center.

A man involved in the crash was given oxygen by an ambulance on the scene.

Lindsey Parker, junior in psychology and CyRide Operations Assistant, said the detour began around 1:15 p.m. and ended around 2:30 p.m.

The intersection of Wallace Road and Beach Avenue was blocked off at 1:45 p.m.

“We tried to have someone at Maple-Willow-Larch to direct people to the Lincoln Way and Beach stop,” Parker said.

The detour took Elwood Drive around campus.

Students had trouble parking at the rec because of the crash investigation.

Seth Ohloff, senior in elementary education and Recreation Services service desk supervisor, was driving to work at about 2 p.m. and had to park by the Forker Building and the old Richardson Court Association building.

“It was a huge inconvenience for people that were working out that drove,” Ohloff said.

Ohloff also said people who had parked in the south lot of the rec weren’t able to leave the parking lot during the investigation. The crash occurred in front of the rec’s entrance.

Ohloff said a rec employee had to go to State Gym but couldn’t take her car out of the parking lot. Another rec employee took her to State Gym, Ohloff said.

Around 3:30 p.m., Ohloff said he noticed cars driving on Beach from his desk at the rec center entrance.

ISU Police Division officers are investigating the accident and have not released information about the crash.