LGBTAA launches annual ‘It’s OK With Me’ campaign

Chandra Kladstrup

Starting Monday, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Ally Alliance is kicking off its annual “It’s OK With Me” T-shirt campaign.

The T-shirts display the slogan with stick-figure-like characters depicting a heterosexual couple, a lesbian couple and a gay couple.

LGBTAA President Ryan Delperdang, junior in psychology, said the shirts are intended to promote diversity on campus.

For the T-shirt’s wearers, the message of the campaign is that being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender is “OK with them,” Delperdang said.

“Seeing all those shirts around campus shows an accepting environment,” he said.

LGBTAA adviser Kris Olds, program assistant in public safety, agrees.

“Having people wear the shirts helps students see who are allies, and who it’s safe to be open around,” Olds said.

Delperdang said demand for the shirts is high, which he says is evidence that their message of tolerance and diversity is spreading around campus.

“People are always wanting more of the shirts,” he said. “They’re always like, ‘Hey, I want one!'”

Matthew Fender, junior in Spanish and member of the LGBTAA, is helping with advertising and marketing for this year’s campaign.

“Our intention for the ‘It’s OK With Me’ T-shirt campaign is to start a dialogue about a frequently taboo subject – acceptance and tolerance of sexual orientation,” Fender said. “We hope that through the campaign we can work toward breaking down the barrier of silence surrounding this subject.”

This year’s T-shirts will be yellow. This is the third year of printing the shirts in order of the colors of the rainbow, which has been a symbol of the LGBT community for many years. Money raised from T-shirt sales will toward funding conferences and special events for the LGBTAA and will also help cover costs for next year’s campaign.

The shirts will be on sale through the group at office L in the Memorial Union’s East Student Office Space.