Hoffman named ISU vice president, provost

Jon Avise

ISU President Gregory Geoffroy named former University of Colorado president and former ISU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences dean Elizabeth Hoffman Wednesday as the university’s new executive vice president and provost.

Hoffman – currently a professor of economics and public affairs at Colorado – will take her post Jan. 1, 2007, replacing interim provost Susan Carlson, who filled the position vacated by Benjamin Allen in May.

“She has tremendous experience,” Geoffroy said. “And I’d known her for quite a long time, having served on many groups with her, and had just always been very impressed with her commitment to academic excellence, her commitment to people, faculty, staff [and] students.”

Most recently, Hoffman spent five years as president of the University of Colorado. She stepped down in 2005 after being dogged by football sex-scandals during her tenure.

ISU officials were not deterred, however. The president received the provost search committee’s report Monday summarizing input from the university community on Hoffman and fellow finalist Jeffrey S. Vitter, and said he made his decision after evaluating those opinions, as well as his own.

Hoffman could not be reached for comment by time of print, but in a release she praised Iowa State for its “bold research” and “commitment to Iowans.”

“It means a great deal to return to such a special place,” Hoffman said in the release.

Carlson said she is glad to see her former colleague return to Iowa State, and is intrigued by what the experienced administrator brings to the university.

“As dean she was careful and considerate and innovative and really able to move issues along,” Carlson said. “It was really an exciting time for the college. So I am particularly excited about how she’ll be able to help us.”

Geoffroy and Carlson said one of Hoffman’s first duties will likely be implementing or modifying the new proposed budget model when she begins work in January. Carlson said she believes her successor will be ideal for the task.

Government of the Student Body President Emily Jensen also praised the selection. She said Hoffman’s leadership skills outweigh any past controversy and she will be ready to meet upcoming challenges, such as implementing a possible new budget model.

“She has a vast amount of budgeting experience with her president experience at CU,” Jensen said. “I think she will do a great job of working with President Geoffroy to implement the budget model if it is accepted.”

Vice President for Student Affairs Thomas Hill said although Hoffman will have to refamiliarize herself to her former home, he is confident she can translate her experiences into success.

“I think that she really understands the academic culture and the things that go into being a good provost,” Hill said.