Special delivery

Casey Jones

They come to your door, sometimes very late at night, and ring the bell. After your dinner is handed over, you exchange pleasantries and give them a couple bucks for their trouble. They then vanish into the dark, not to be seen until you call on their services again.

But what happens after you close your door and dive into your dinner? They get back in their cars and venture once again into that cold, vast, bizarre world that only others like them can relate to, appreciate or truly understand.

The world of delivery drivers.

Ridiculous traffic, obnoxious drunks and the occasional rude transaction come with the territory. Offers of alcohol, bong rips and random flashes of nudity are par for the course, but sometimes things just get weird. Here are tattle-tales of delivery people.

Case No. 1 – Like a virgin – with 30 other girls: Marshall Card, Gumby’s Pizza

When a delivery driver is on his or her call of duty, sometimes distractions from overly friendly people arise. Luckily, delivery people come equipped for the job – even if they don’t have braziers and cone-shaped bras in the back seats of their cars.

“I could hear laughter all the way down the hall,” said Marshall Card, driver for Gumby’s, 526 Main St. “So of course I knew that’s where I was going.”

Card said there were probably about 30 girls in one apartment when he arrived with the delivery. After the girls begged him to sing karaoke with them, he knew they wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“I knew I wasn’t getting the money until I did something, [so] I ended up singing a few lines of Madonna’s ‘Like a Virgin’ until I decided I didn’t want to torture them anymore,” he said

Card said when people are looking for more than just the standard delivery, you have to go above and beyond the call of duty.

“They wouldn’t let me leave until I posed for a picture with them, standing right in the middle of them all holding up the pizza,” he said.

Case No. 2 – A piping hot pie stolen from a speedy spectator: Levi Duvick, Domino’s Pizza

Sometimes people just want something to eat and don’t care how they get it.

“Halloween of 2003, the craziest thing ever happened,” said Levi Duvick, night manager at Domino’s, 118 Hayward Ave., and former driver.

Duvick said he showed up at one of the dorms and a group of guys come out to get the pizza – a standard procedure, even on Halloween. Little did Duvick know he was in for a trick involving his boxed treat.

As Duvick set the pizzas on top of his car and reached to get the money out, a random guy suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed the pizzas right off his car.

“I yelled something to him, and all he says is ‘shut up’ and takes off running,” Duvick said. “So I look at the guy whose pizza he just stole and we’re like, ‘Let’s go.’ We jump in my car and take off after the guy and chased him a few blocks, before he ducked around a corner and got away.”

Case No. 3 – An interesting experience: Pat Daugherty, Golden Wok

Delivering food to people can often bring out their inner weirdos. At times it can be extreme, and other times, it can be a little more subtle.

One fateful night Pat Daugherty, junior in sociology and driver for Golden Wok, 223 Welch Ave., delivered to an older lady who, by his guess, was well over 60 years old.

As the door opened, Daugherty was greeted by a whole lot of lady.

“She opened the door and was standing there completely naked, but she acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. She gave me the money and chatted with me for a little bit,” he said.

“I didn’t know what to do, so I just went with it,”

Daugherty said he wasn’t sure if she realized she was naked. A naked older woman, though, may have been more than enough of a tip for one evening.

“It was like she had just gotten out of the shower, but her hair wasn’t wet,” he said.

The next time you have food delivered and you think you just can’t spare a tip, stay calm and try not to make any rash decisions until you’ve walked – or driven – a mile in the driver’s shoes.