
Did you mark your calendARRRs? Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, the best excuse to act like a sea-sailing, reeking-of-rum pirate.

A holiday invented in 1995 by John Baur, who goes by the name “Ol’ Chum Bucket,” and Mark Summers, who goes by “Cap’n Slappy,” the holiday is a chance to say “Hello, me hearties!” instead of the conventional greeting.

The date was originally picked because it was easy to remember – it is the birthday of Summers’ ex-wife. It was picked, of course, before they got a divAARRRce.

The holiday originally started as an inside joke and gained popularity when the duo sent their idea to popular columnist Dave Barry in 2002. Barry liked what he saw and wrote a column dedicated to the lovable thieves.

Here at FYI, we know pirates are close to a student’s heart. Here is some info on pirating you may not known, you chumscrubbing landlubber.