Test your self-defense knowledge

1. Which person do you feel is the most likely to become victimized?

A) A white female over age 60.

B) A white male age 20.

C) A black male age 20.

D) A black female over age 60.

2. In the event of an attack, how likely is the aggressor to carry a weapon?

A) Not likely at all.

B) Possibly – a 30 percent chance.

C) More than half of all attackers carry a weapon.

D) All aggressors carry weapons.

3. In your lifetime, how likely are you to become a victim of theft?

A) Not likely at all.

B) Possibly – 30 percent chance.

C) Everybody will be a victim of theft at least once.

D) Never, as long as I take the right precautions.

4. True or false: More than half of all sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone that is known to the victim.

A) True

B) False

5. What is the one thing the perpetrator is most likely to do before an attack?

A) Ask you a question such as “What time is it?” to get close to you.

B) Hide, so he or she can jump on you as you turn the corner.

C) Follow you down the street until he or she reaches a secluded spot.

D) All of the above.


1. The correct answer is C.

According to statistics, black males between the ages of 18 and 24 are the most likely to become the victims of crime. However, most people are under a different impression because of what the media reports. Remember that the media may select to report certain cases (for their coverage appeal) as opposed to others which happen more frequently.

2. The correct answer is C.

More than half of attackers are likely to carry a weapon, and during an attack, it may be concealed.

3. The correct answer is C.

Everybody will be a victim of “theft” at least once in his or her life.

4. The correct answer is A.

More than half of all sexual assaults are committed by a person known to the victim.

5. The correct answer is A.

A predator will likely try to get close to you to control your personal space. This will also give him or her the opportunity to assess you as a target.

It is unlikely that a predator will make a big scene such as jumping on you in public – or even solicit suspicion by following you for a sustained period of time.

Predators are looking for a target who is easy to control and will not offer much resistance.