
You don’t have to blow a wad of cash or ride in on a white stallion to woo the person you’ve taken a liking to. Sometimes having a fulfilling date takes creativity and an emphasis on the small things. At FYI, we’re here to help. Connect-a-date works by answering multiple choice questions that address your personality. As you answer, a dating path can be catered to make a date you – and hopefully the one you’re with – will never forget. Keep track of your answers to see what kind of dater you are.

1. Which type of flower would you give your date?

A. Dandelion

B. Rose

C. A bowl of roses

D. Inflatable wiener dog

A. Bowl at the Memorial Union

Playing a laid-back, psuedo-competitive game of bowling can lead to playful flirting that will spark things early on. Not only do you get to wear fashionable shoes, you also can show off your dance moves.

B. Dine at the Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom

Never has a three-course meal been more affordable than when you reserve a date at the tearoom. You can cheaply ditch the Taco Bell and satisfy your date’s palette – a surefire way to his or her heart.

C. Take an animal from the shelter for a walk

Not only are you doing good by walking the animals, you’re also showing your gentle side to your date. As you get your heart pumping, you can share your pet experiences – an easy ice breaker.

D. Throw water balloons from a roof at pedestrians

Risking your safety can lead to some devilish fun that will have you two bowled over laughing. When your date has experiences he or she will always remember, it guarantees you’ll never be forgotten.

2. What was your favorite children’s book?

A. “Cat in the Hat”

B. “Cinderella”

C. “The Little Engine That Could”

D. “Where the Wild Things Are”

A. Go to an ISU lecture

If you can find something that isn’t a dry diatribe about international affairs, an interesting lecture can have you in proximity to your date and lead to some possible hand holding.

B. Take a ballroom dance lesson

Dancing is a talent that shouldn’t be overlooked. Most people think it is an attractive trait. Body contact coupled with a romantic setting will have your date lovestruck.

C. Canoe on Lake LaVerne

Working together as a team could have you bonding with your date in no time. Rent canoes from Outdoor Recreation and you can paddle by Iowa State’s most famous couple, Lancelot and Elaine, when you share the fun of the water.

D. Attempt to bareback a horse at the stables

Sharing a scandalous experience will have you and your date full of adrenaline, something that could spur romantic feelings. However, attempting to ride a horse might get you bit, kicked or arrested.

3. What is your favorite type of ice cream?

A. Vanilla

B. Chocolate-covered cherry

C. Low-fat frozen yogurt

D. Chunky Monkey

A. Eat at the Union Drive Community Center

It doesn’t have to cost $7 for a glass of water to be a meaningful dining experience between you and your date. Finding a booth or quiet location can lead to conversations that create sparks.

B. Bake chocolate chip cookies

It’s common knowledge that cooking is the quickest way to your date’s heart. Working together can leave a shared feeling of accomplishment. Bonus, chocolate is an aphrodisiac.

C. Have a barbecue

To keep things interesting, an impromptu barbecue will put a fresh spin on the standard dinner date. You can have fun getting messy together while appreciating the outdoors.

D. Taunt drunks leaving the bars and eat gyros

Eating gyros will make anyone feel good, and making fun of the drunk can be risky yet entertaining. You may get swung at, but at least you can show off your bad attitude to impress your date.

4. What is your favorite movie?

A. “Spiderman”

B. “Casablanca”

C. “Rudy”

D. “A Clockwork Orange”

A. Watch a movie at the dollar theater

For students with a paper-thin wallet – and no paper – full-price movies may be out of the question. However, treating your date to the traditional movie experience can be had for an eighth of the price.

B. Have a night picnic

Although a picnic during the day is perfectly acceptable, one by candlelight sets a mood that will have you looking into each other’s eyes. Pack foods that will drive your date wild, such as chocolate and strawberries.

C. Play a game of one-on-one basketball or Frisbee

The competitive spirit of a fast-paced game of basketball will get your pheromones pumping. Conversely, a calm game of Frisbee will have you playing together without needing a shower afterward.

D. Get matching tattoos

Nothing says commitment like getting inked on your first date. It’s a very effective way to show your date you’re spontaneous. Although it might be regretted later, at least you shared your folly together.

5. What is your favorite song?

A. Hanson, “Mmmbop”

B. Elton John, “Tiny Dancer”

C. Queen, “We Are the Champions”

D. Sir Mix-a-lot, “Baby Got Back”

A. Play board games

It doesn’t have to be Family Game Night to enjoy the board games of your youth. Games such as Scattegories and Guess Who will have you laughing and connecting during a time when your guard is down.

B. Stargazing

Even if you have don’t have much astrological experience outside of horoscopes, looking at the constellations will have you lying next to your date and pondering things that have little to do with stars.

C. Go to a sporting event

Sporting events lead to blood-pumping excitement – feelings that can be turned toward each other. Nothing says a date like coming together with your ISU pride by putting on your cardinal and gold and screaming your heads off together.

D. Skinny dip in Lake LaVerne

Watching a movie doesn’t always cut it. Turn up the heat and get the wheels turning by tearing off your clothes. You’re risking getting arrested and also seeing each other naked.