Sophomore’s essay appears in Newsweek

Dan Moylan

Students are regularly assigned essays for their courses, but not all of those stories are featured in a large national publications.

For one ISU student, that feat became a reality.

Andrew Krull, sophomore in chemistry, had an essay published in Newsweek on Aug. 14. The essay, “Celebrating the Pity of Brotherly Love,” was originally written for his English 105 class in fall 2005.

“The assignment was to write a narrative argument with a personal point of view,” Krull said. “I chose to argue against having big brothers.”

“[Krull] wrote a really funny essay,” said Jennifer Veltsos, graduate assistant and teacher’s assistant in english, who was the instructor for Krull’s course. “He chose to experiment with irony and wrote a tongue-in-cheek account of having older brothers,” she said.

When the students were given the assignment, they were told that if they were pleased with their essays, they could submit them to Newsweek.

“When I got my paper back, I had received a B+ and was not happy. So I fixed it up and sent it in,” Krull said.

Krull was informed in December that his essay was chosen to run.

“Newsweek called me to let me know that it was going to be published. I was pretty excited,” Krull said. “Then it didn’t run when it was supposed to. But they called back in July and told me that it was going to run after all.”

“I am really proud of him,” Veltsos said. “It couldn’t have happened to a nicer student.”

The article can be found on the Newsweek Web site.