Candidates for dean of students are announced

Dan Moylan

The Office of Student Affairs announced the names of the two finalists for the position of dean of students on Tuesday.

Out of the 47 applicants for the position, the candidates for dean of students are Maria Flores-Mills, assistant dean of undergraduate students at Princeton University, and Dione Somerville, director of enrollment services at Lorain County Community College.

A committee comprised of representatives from various areas of campus began looking at applications in June.

“The committee reviewed all of the applicants’ cover letters and phone interviews and narrowed it down,” said Todd Holcomb, associate vice president for student affairs. “These are the two that we selected.”

The candidates will have on-campus interviews within the next week, at which time they will meet with the committee, as well as the different parts of the Dean of Students Office and the Office of Student Affairs.

“We wanted to make sure to invite the applicants to campus when the students are present,” Holcomb said.

The committee is scheduled to meet on Sept. 13 to review the qualifications of the two candidates.

“The committee will then give their feedback to vice president for student affairs, Thomas Hill, who will make the final decision,” Holcomb said.