Matching college food and booze

These are some great picks for common college food…

>> Ramen/Chinese

Sake is best for something this salty. For beer, pick something like Budweiser that has a high water content, but remember not to use only alcohol to quench your thirst.

>> Mac ‘n’ Cheese

Because of the thickness of the cheese, something clean and crisp would go well with this. Try any wheat beer, light red or white wine.

>> Pizza

This is one of the best “no-fuss” foods around. Anything will most likely go well with this, but by choosing an Italian red wine you can discover some of the same flavors that are also in the red sauce.

>> Grilling

Depending on how spicy the food is, a good choice for wine would be a Shiraz or Riesling. By choosing a cleaner beer like Michelob Amber Bock, you can bring out flavors such as nut and caramel.

>> Mexican

This one is pretty simple. Just stick with the common Mexican imported beers such as Dos Equis Especial and Corona.

>> Fun Fact

Artichokes, eggs, avocados, peanuts, chocolate and chili peppers cannot generally be matched with any wine.