Professor from Austria to give seminar on starches

Beth Dunham

Anton Huber, professor from Karl-Franzens University in Graz, Austria, will present a seminar on starches and the ecosystem as part of a series of distinguished speakers discussing biorenewable resources.

The seminar, entitled “Starch – Molecular and Supermolecular Characteristics of a Biopolymer in Self-organizing Ecosystem Earth,” will address the roles of starches in green chemistry and renewable natural resources.

Huber is a member of an EU exchange program addressing renewable resources and clean technologies.

Such biorenewable resources are being examined as possible replacements for fossil and petroleum-based fuels.

Jay-Lin Jane, professor of food science and human nutrition, said the series of speakers would all lecture about the characteristics and applications of such materials in the search for cleaner, more consistently abundant energy sources, manufacturing materials and other products.

“It’s very exciting; we have several very distinguished speakers for this series of talks,” Jane said.

The seminar will be at 4 p.m. Wednesday in 1210 LeBaron Hall. Admission is free.

Questions about the seminar may be addressed by calling 294-9166.