Pulse Caption Contest

Spring is the season of love, and there’s no one Pulse loves more than our readers. Although the previous sentence may be completely fabricated, we have decided to have a little competition to spice things up and give you a little end-of-the-year fun.

Submit a creative caption for the attached photo to [email protected] or drop it by our office in 108 Hamilton Hall. If sending through e-mail, please include your full name and telephone number. Daily staff and those affiliated aren’t eligible to win.

Those that create the seven best captions will receive super-cool prize packages and the best five captions will be published in Friday’s edition of the Daily.

(1) Grand Prize

A chance to hang out with rock band Dazy Head Mazy backstage after their Saturday night Live @ VEISHEA performance. The lucky winner will also receive a Dazy Head Mazy T-shirt and CD and a stack of CDs courtesy of our friends at KURE 88.5.

(1) First Prize

A Dazy Head Mazy T-shirt and CD, and a stack of CDs from Pulse.

(5) Second Prize

A Dazy Head Mazy CD