LOMBARDI: Attell talks Jaeger with Daily in hand

When comedian Dave Attell graced the stage of Hilton Coliseum Friday night, no stone was left unturned – even the stone about eating hookers after a little too much Jaegermeister.

Known for his own brand of inappropiate commentary on sex, booze and everything inbetween, Attell used the crowd as a conduit for his raccous material. One poor soul by the name of Jason was the brunt of many of his jokes, and others on the crowd were either hit on or made fun of. The misogynistic boozer schtick wasn’t disconcerting, however, as it’s Attell’s most lovable quality.

With a copy of the Daily in-hand, Attell put a ISU tinge on his act, talking about the day’s headlines. “Don’t you read your own school newspaper?” said Attell. The inebriated crowd resounded with a collective “No!” Although drunken college students aren’t gravitated towards hard-hitting, award-winning publications, it fit the mood of the night – a no-holds-barred, politically-incorrect show.

Jasper Redd opened the night with his own brand of comedy. Covering topics such as race and Grimace – yes, the freakish purple mound of McDonald’s fame – Redd set up the crowd to let loose and enjoy themselves. Although a day shy of a pothead’s biggest day of the year, Redd talked on the sticky icky icky, catering his act for the college party animal or just the one’s who respect the lifestyle. The crowd that night, without question, either had great reverence or were drunk and high themselves. I’m going to lean toward the latter.

Louis Katz followed Redd, running a tight set with silver-tongued delivery and more cannabis and booze jokes. What ever happened to the insightful, sober college student? Apparently world politics doesn’t sit so well with a basketball stadium full of drunks. Katz throughout his entire act was well-received, but garnered the most applause with his rapid-fire citing of names for pot and vaginas. You’d be amazed how many ways you can name that part of a female’s anatomy, and Katz was willing to show everyone the light.

After the night was over, the entire show was worth a students 10 or 12 bucks. Although Attell’s set may have lasted too long, I’m not entirely sure it was his fault, or if he was required to fill out a set longer than what he has material for. Either way, he used his environment to make something out of nothing, and anyone that appreciates comedy could see it.

In all seriousness, you have to be talented if you fill an hour-plus of comedy with references to liquor, penises and midgets and get legitimate laughs. Or maybe that was just the booze talking.

– Rob Lombardi is a sophomore in pre-advertising from Dubuque. He is a Daily Pulse Editor.