Senior Portfolio Night to offer students jobs, interviews from firms

Chelsea Koster

Three words can sum up a graphic design student’s last few years at Iowa State – Senior Portfolio Night.

About 60 graduating graphic design students will showcase their best work Monday night in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

The students are highly qualified, said Alan Mickelson, associate professor of art and design.


What: Senior Portfolio Night

Where: Sun Room of the Memorial Union

When: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday

Cost: Free

“[Visitors] will see editorial design, posters, books and package designs. There will also be some interactive media, as well,” said Paula Curran, associate professor of art and design. “[The students] have been putting most of their work on computer. Some have done some work by hand, but mostly it is all on computer.”

Graphic design firms from surrounding areas will attend the event to see what the seniors have to offer.

“People from Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas and Illinois will be coming to view the portfolio for possible job prospects or to hire the seniors,” Mickelson said.

Hallmark and American Greetings are among companies attending the event.

Curran and Mickelson said those attending the event will learn about the individuals’ creativity, among other things.

Although some students may be hoping for interviews and job offers as a result of this event, many do not have to worry about finding a job.

“A lot of students have already started the interview process. Some of them have already gotten offers, but most students look forward to giving interviews at the event,” Curran said.

Lisa Ly, senior in graphic design, said she will be showing mostly print designs.

Ly said she does not have a job lined up but does not expect to get a job as a result of this event, either.

“It’s more of a celebration. For me, it’s more like a ‘great, this is the end’ type of thing,” she said.

Marie Bushbaum, senior in graphic design, agrees, saying this event will be more for family and friends to come and see their hard work than for finding a job.

“I did my own research and have been interviewing at firms that will not be at the portfolio night. I hope to get a job that way,” Bushbaum said.