Free weiners for seniors on campus

Allison Vennerberg

Seniors will have one of their last chances to bond as a class Thursday while eating free barbecue.

The Senior Class Council is sponsoring a free barbecue for graduating seniors called Wieners 4 Seniors. The barbecue is the last free food event of Senior Week. All graduating ISU seniors are invited to Central Campus to enjoy free hot dogs, hamburgers, cookies and beverages.

“It’s a good time for seniors to just hang out, buy a senior T-shirt, eat food on Central Campus and enjoy one of their last free ISU events as an undergrad,” said Kelly Barchinger, Senior Class Council events co-chairwoman.


What: Wieners 4 Seniors

When: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday

Where: Central Campus

Cost: Free

No identification is needed for the event, and seniors do not need to be part of the Student Alumni Association to participate.

Attendance is expected to be high because of projected warm weather. In years past, the event has typically been held on Fridays, but this year the event’s organizers decided to try Thursday. Barchinger said many seniors aren’t on campus Fridays, and the date change will hopefully boost attendance.

If free food is not enough incentive to stop by, $150 in prizes will be raffled off.

“Dishes, luggage and other stuff that graduating seniors would like to have for their apartments will be in the giveaway,” Barchinger said.

There will also be a student dressed up as a giant wiener at the event. Barchinger said she thinks the wiener costume tradition at this event started randomly. It helps get word out about the event to people who might not make it to Central Campus otherwise, she said.

Daniel Jorgensen, senior in materials engineering, will wear the costume.

“Yeah, I’m the guy in the wiener costume,” Jorgensen said. “I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve dressed up in costumes before, but not to this extent in full hot dog assembly.”

He said he’s excited to interact with people while wearing the costume, despite the heat he’ll have to endure.

“It’s just a fun way to show the seniors that we appreciate them and how much they have given to the university, and it’s our turn to give it back a little bit,” Jorgensen said.

Senior shirt day, the last event of Senior Week, is Friday. Prizes will be randomly given out on campus for seniors wearing their shirts.

Senior Week events not only provide free food and prizes to those who are graduating, but also give classmates a chance to say good-bye before going into the real world.

“I think it will be a chance to see some of my friends before we graduate,” said Ashley Matheson, senior in child, adult and family services. “Free food events like this usually bring out people you haven’t seen for a while, and it’s nice to catch up while you can.”