Forums held to examine safety issues on campus

Dan Moylan

Iowa State is taking steps to ensure pedestrian safety on campus.

The first two in a series of five forums concerning pedestrian and motorist experiences at Iowa State took place Monday. Facilities planning and management is leading efforts to enhance the pedestrian-motorist relations on campus, according to its Web site.

The forums discussed a study of pedestrian crosswalks put on by the ISU Center for Transportation Research and Education. The study focused on seven crosswalks around the ISU campus: on Pammel Drive at the Molecular Biology Building and the Insectary; on Beach Road at the Forker Building, Lied Recreation Athletic Center and Maple-Willow-Larch; on Wallace Road at the East Campus Parking Deck and on Union Drive at the Union Drive Community Center.

Hillary Isebrands, graduate student in civil, construction and environmental engineering, said the conditions of these crosswalks has improved. Signs have been put up distinguishing these crosswalks, and some of the crosswalks will be repainted in the near future. A self-standing sign was also placed in the crosswalk on Wallace Road to alert motorists of its presence.

“Improving the conditions can be as simple as adding signs [around the crosswalks],” Isebrands said.

“However, it may include changing the infrastructure, such as widening or narrowing roads.”

The forum finished with a breakout discussion, at which time members working on the project met with small groups of participants to discuss their personal experiences with the crosswalks across campus.

Everyone is encouraged to contribute input to the discussion, as well as to offer any ideas for improving the conditions of pedestrian-motorist interactions, Isebrands said.

“The goal is to collect information from the campus community,” said Catherine Brown, program coordinator for facilities planning and management.

“As we look at other improvements to education, enforcement and the physical infrastructure, we have some input [from the community] to take into consideration.”

Isebrands agreed and said they hope to receive more input that addresses people’s concerns with the crosswalks.

The final three forums are at 4 p.m. Tuesday in 1420 of the Molecular Biology Building, 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Maple-Willow-Larch Commons and 4 p.m. Wednesday in 1304 of Howe Hall.

For more information, go to the facilities planning and management Web site at walk.