GET TO KNOW… Ross Marsden, ISU basketball player

Lindsey Matthews

It’s not easy towering above the average person. For 6-foot-10-inch ISU basketball player Ross Marsden, looking down at people is an everyday occurrence. Pulse asked Marsden a few quick questions about the weather up there.

Lindsey Matthews: I’m sure being tall played a big part in why you started playing basketball, but what are some other reasons you started playing?

Ross Marsden: Being tall may be part of why I started playing, but also I love basketball. Basketball is a fun game and I enjoy it.

LM: What is it like being so tall? What are some really annoying inconveniences?

RM: I think it is pretty nice, but it is pretty annoying when I hit my head on things.

LM: What sort of things do you have to do to shop for clothes and shoes?

RM: It can be pretty hard to find clothes that fit. I usually have to shop in the big and tall section. Also, I buy most of my shoes in magazines.

LM: What are some of your favorite things about being tall?

RM: One of the most obvious reasons is it helps at basketball. It is also nice when I am trying to reach for things.

LM: How tall is the rest of your family?

RM: I am the tallest in my family. My dad is 6 foot, my mom is 5 feet 8 inches, my 20-year-old brother is 6 feet 3 inches and my sister, who is a sophomore in high school, is 6 foot. The rest of my family is tall, but I am not sure where I got my height of 6 foot 10 inches.

LM: What are some comments you get because of your height?

RM: I get a lot of looks and a lot of people just say, “Man you’re tall!”