Easter entertainment

Paul Nemeth

There are many ISU students leaving campus during Easter weekend, and those that are sticking around may get lonely in the absence of their friends. Pulse has come up with eight ideas which – if implemented into your Easter – can give your weekend enough excitement to keep you from getting lonely.

1 Visit the Easter bunny: There are few things in life funnier than watching a man in a bunny costume get kicked and spit on by little children. If you’re feeling confident, sit on his lap and get a picture with him. When your friends get home, they’ll surely be jealous.

2 Go Easter caroling: Go door to door and sing “Peter Cottontail” to everybody you meet. Be careful, however, not everybody will have your “Easter spirit” when you show up at their door at 8 a.m.

3 Make Easter eggs in your dorm room: First, acquire some eggs. It doesn’t matter how. Then put them in a large bowl full of water and microwave them on high for 10 minutes. Continue to No. 4.

4 Decorate your eggs: After you’ve hard-boiled your eggs, you can either be boring and buy a dye kit from Wal-Mart or you can get creative. Take advantage of your roommate’s absence and steal the art supplies from his or her desk. Crayons, glue, pocket lint and anything else you can find will work swell. Don’t hesitate to do this – after all, nobody is around to laugh at you.

5 Have an Easter egg hunt: Either use the eggs you made in No. 3 and 4 or buy a giant sack of colorful, cheap plastic eggs from a local convenience store and fill them with candy. The night before Easter, find someone who’s extremely inebriated and talk them into hiding your eggs for you. The next morning, wake up and giddily hunt for the eggs – pretending, of course, that they were put there by the Easter bunny.

6 Make “egg friends”: Since you’ll most likely be friendless for the weekend, create some friends. Cut out the “egg friends” below and tape them to the eggs you hard-boiled in No. 3. Feel free to get creative, cutting out famous faces from magazines and past them to the remainder of your eggs. Having Natalie Portman or Brad Pitt keep you company when you are lonely makes things a little better. If you get hungry, simply grab your least favorite egg friend, smash its face, peel off the shell and eat it.

7 Give your professor an Easter basket: Not doing so well in your economics class? Find out where your professor lives and take him or her an Easter basket. Fill the basket with candy, red pens, calculators or dictionaries. This is a surefire way to earn some brownie points. Don’t forget to include your nine-digit student ID number.

8 Have a Peep joust: Take two Peeps, preferably of chick or bunny variety, and stick a toothpick into their marshmallowy flesh. The toothpicks will be swords for your marshmallow warriors. If you’re feeling really crafty, you can even make them paper helmets. Position the peeps in the microwave, aiming their toothpick swords at each so they can duke it out. Then turn the microwave on high. The first peep to explode loses. After you’re finished, be sure to clean out the microwave so your roommate doesn’t get angry.