Club to sell members’ art to gain experience

Experience is a vital part of a graduate’s resume. As they start their job search, students will find that more experience will land them better jobs. The College of Design Art Club hopes to give its members a bit of sales experience through its art sale, starting 10 a.m. Thursday in the College of Design Atrium.

Ingrid Lilligren, associate professor of art and design and club adviser, said the sale will prepare students for professional careers by organizing and running a sale while marketing their work.

Students will be selling their original works. Leslie Rumrill, club vice president, said most members usually sell their ceramic work.

In addition, Lilligren said other items, such as photographs and wood and metal pieces, will be available for purchase. She said many of the students use the work they are selling for their design portfolios.

The profits from the sale will go to support various club activities and services.

– Jill Blackledge