Bali Satay House next on parade for Horseshoe Spatulas

Chris English

Punk music fans from the Ames area are about to find out who’s next on the doomsday parade. This Thursday, fans will get the chance to listen to some of the most established punk music Ames has to offer.

The members of Horseshoe Spatulas, veteran rockers from central Iowa, have been together for more than eight years. After having written and performed their music to the masses, members of the local punk sextet set out to don their self-adopted stage names and take over Bali Satay House, 2424 Lincoln Way, for the upcoming release up their album, “Who’s Next on the Doomsday Parade?”

Ben Cribble, otherwise known as Paste-Eater Boy, sat down with Pulse to outline what can be expected when his band hits the stage.

Chris English: Who’s in the band and what are their stage names?

Ben Cribble: There is Martin “Martini” Ini, guitar and lead vocals; Tommy “Jailbird” Janklefingers, guitar; Crumpty “Suzy Q” Williams, drums; Ben “Paste-Eater Boy” Cribble, bass guitar; and Billy Bob “Fish” McKosher, lead guitar.

CE: Who are some of your influences?

BC: Everybody in the band has different influences. Me personally, I love Bad Religion, the old Epitaph Records sound – back in their early days. I know of other guys liking Oingo Boingo and stuff like that. We’ve all been listening to Tom Wade here and there. The Aquabats, The Vandals, and we can just go on forever. We don’t ever go for a specific sound when we write a song, though.

CE: While we’re on that subject, talk about the CD release show coming up this Thursday.

BC: It starts at 9 p.m., $5 at the door. The first band is going to be Willferno and the Flamers. They’re kind of a GG Allen-inspired punk band. Then we’ve got The F-Words that are going second – that’s my other band. It’s going to be 4/20, [so] there’s going to be a lot of stoned people and a lot of drunk people . hopefully.

CE: So what would be a quick breakdown of the band’s history?

BC: Oh, it started off with Martini and Suzie Q getting together first. They had a couple bands together and then they asked me to be in it. We went through a couple drummers until Suzie Q went from guitar to drums and then Jailbird – his name sucks – joined us two or three years ago. We kind of played up Des Moines up a bit and this October we got Fish, our third and final guitar. (Laughs) But I joined the band like eight years ago. We played the [Gross Domestic Product] fest which was pretty great. There were just a ton of people there and that was really sweet. We’ve recorded the same album about three times – that’s the one that’s going to be coming out Thursday for our CD release show.