Dude looks like a lady

Dan Moylan

Most male students don’t know what it’s like to be a woman. Thursday night, however, about 30 male students learned what it’s like to wear high heels.

The Interfraternity Council hosted “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.” During the event, the male participants donned high-heeled shoes and walked around the Sorority Circle to gain some perspective on what women go through every day. The event was part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which is taking place throughout April. The shoes were loaned by the Ames Goodwill Store, 3718 Lincoln Way.

Shortly after the men started walking, many comments could be heard about their discomfort and the pain in their feet.

One of the participants, Steven Latham, junior in finance, said he can’t understand how girls can do it.

“[My feet] hurt as soon as I put them on,” he said. “I think I have at least a blister or two. My feet are going to be sore tomorrow.”

Luke Johanson, sophomore in civil engineering and vice president of philanthropy and community service for the Interfraternity Council, said he felt there was a great turnout at the event, as well as a large amount of support.

“We will definitely do this again next year,” Johanson said. “I think that this worked. It got people talking.”

Occasional catcalls and honking car horns peppered the men as they made their way around Sorority Circle.

Interfraternity Council Graduate Assistant Allison Harris said the event, although unconventional, helped raise sexual assault awareness.

“I feel that this is a funny way to make a statement,” he said.

After the walk, the Interfraternity Council helped sponsor “Can I Kiss You?” with Mike Domitrz, a lecture on sexual assault.

Domitrz used sarcasm and humor to get his point across, as well as audience participation.

“The speaker was amazing,” Johanson said. “He had a great message. Hopefully everyone took something away from this message that they can apply to their lives.”

Johanson said he is looking forward to next year.

“Next year I think we should have foot rubs aligned [for the participants] for after the walk,” he said.