CD REVIEW: The Secret Machines

The Secret Machines

“Ten Silver Drops” (Reprise)

Sounds like: Super Furry Animals, Broken Social Scene

REVIEW: 2 / 5

In short: The eight spacey songs on “Ten Silver Drops” leaves you wondering why the album has 10 drops and not eight.

I’ll admit it. This was the first time I’ve ever listened to The Secret Machines, although I’ve heard good things about the band. It came to the Maintenance Shop last year; that has to count for something, right? Maybe not.

This tired album starts out with the “Alone, Jealous and Stoned.” I think it’s trying give the feel of breaking up with your girlfriend. Why would anyone want to sit through something like that again, especially on the first song? It’s reminiscent of dealing with a friend who walks into the room and won’t shut up about getting dumped or getting rejected from eight graduate schools. Sure, you’ll help the guy, but given the choice, you’d rather not be in the situation.

This record isn’t entirely lifeless, though. It’s shining point is the energetic “Lightning Blue Eyes,” which finally gives you a reason to wake up, and gave me hope that the rest of the album would give me reason to finish.

Nope. It’s followed by “Daddy’s in the Doldrums,” which staggers along for more than eight minutes and speaks for itself.

This isn’t a horrible sophomore attempt. The album as a whole just seems to lack focus and doesn’t really get to the point. Maybe “Ten Silver Drops” would have been more interesting were I hammered. But, at noon on a dreary and damp Tuesday of Dead Week, that prospect hardly is in the cards.

– Jared Taylor