Sound of broken glass

Jared Taylor

There were more incidents of property stolen from vehicles parked on campus in March than in all of 2005.

As of Monday, there were 26 reports of vehicles vandalized while parked in campus lots in March, according to the ISU Police Department. At least 19 of the vandalism incidents involved theft from the vehicles.

Although there has been theft from vehicles parked on campus, much of the problem is widespread vandalism, said ISU Police Capt. Gene Deisinger.

“Not all have been burglaries; some have just been damage,” he said. “There have been a number of vehicles with broken windows or taillights.”

Most of the damage has been focused within the parking lots around Jack Trice Stadium.

Melanie Cruz, freshman in pre-professional health programs, said she reported her car, which was parked at the stadium, as vandalized March 6.

“It was just keyed up, and they messed with it to the point that [the] alarm quit working,” she said. “They kicked in the door on the passenger side and keyed it on the back sides.”

Cruz said she would probably get her car repaired in the summer, but doubts officers will find those responsible for the damage.

“I doubt they’ll find the person because it is parked at the stadium,” she said. “When you park at the stadium, you expect your car to remain as you have it.”

There have been 20 reports of thefts from vehicles vandalized in the stadium lots in March.

Nine vehicles with broken windows and missing stereos parked in lot S5 were reported by ISU Police on March 23, according to ISU Police reports. Four vehicles with damage and theft were reported March 16.

There has been no trend as to the types of vehicles targeted, Deisinger said.

“[The property] varies of what is available and is not necessarily of high-end value,” he said.

There were 14 thefts from motor vehicles reported to ISU Police in 2005. No suspects have been named in any of the crimes.

Deisinger said officers have stepped up their patrols of campus lots, but have found no suspects in the thefts.

“With the number of parking lots and vehicles in those lots, we don’t have a sufficient number of officers to provide surveillance of those lots,” he said. “We have increased patrols of the lots and have had that in place over the past several weeks.”

Officers will continue to investigate the ongoing situation, Deisinger said.

“We are certainly optimistic,” he said. “We have put and will put a lot of resources in the investigation to deter and apprehend the people involved.”

Ames Police Cmdr. Randy Kessel said most thefts and vandalism on vehicles in recent weeks have occurred in the Campustown area.

“What we are seeing are areas that probably have a lot of foot traffic on it,” he said.

“They have been going after stereos. Anything loose of value they will take.”

Ames Police have responded to about two or three weekly vehicle vandalism incidents in recent weeks, Kessel said.

“We have not had the extent that it appears Iowa State has had,” he said. “As the weather has warmed up, we have had some random vandalism.”

Vandalism charges are typically prosecuted as criminal mischief, punishable by a fine from $50 to $500, with the potential of up to 30 days in jail, Kessel said.

The severity of punishment for theft depends on the value of the property stolen, according to Iowa Code.

“If the perpetrator were responsible for one or more [incidents], you’d have to look at a heightened property damage assessment,” Kessel said.

Deisinger said people parking their cars on campus should always remember to lock their doors. Anyone who sees suspicious activity, damage or may have information regarding the thefts is asked to contact ISU Police at 294-4428.

On campus, there have been:

26 reports of vandalized vehicles on campus in March

19 reports of thefts from vehicles on campus in March

20 reports of vandalized vehicles in parking lots surrounding Jack Trice Stadium in March

14 thefts from vehicles on campus in 2005

No charges in vehicle theft incidents in 2005

To help prevent thefts from vehicles on campus, ISU Police Capt. Gene Deisinger said to:

lock vehicle doors

avoid leaving valuables in the vehicle

watch for people hanging around parking lots

watch for people coming to or from vehicles late at night

report any observed damage or information about incidents on campus to the ISU Police Department at 294-4428

– Jared Taylor