Mates of State member discusses impact daughter has on touring

Shannon Sanders

Balancing a career and a family can be a struggle for many young adults. Jason Hammel has accepted the challenge and enjoys every second of it. Hammel, who has been a dad for a little more than a year, and his wife Kori Gardner have taken their careers and family life and hit the road.

The husband-and-wife duo form the rock outfit Mates of State. The band is now making a stop at Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines on Tuesday alongside Maria Taylor. Touring has become familiar to them but they have undergone a definite change in the last year.

“We did a string of shows with the Strokes while [Gardner] was eight months pregnant, and we were out touring when she was four and five months along,” Hammel said of the out-of-the-ordinary pregnancy.


Who: Mates of State with Maria Taylor

Where: Vaudeville Mews

When: 9 p.m., Tuesday

Cost: $10 in advance/$12 day of show

Their daughter, Magnolia, now comes along on each tour and has changed Hammel and Gardner’s lifestyle.

“We want to give her a normal childhood. We just give her lots of love and teach her everything we can,” Hammel said. “It’s more regimented. We used to do whatever on a whim. Now we’re on a strict schedule.”

Hammel talks by cell phone on the way to their next stop in Georgia. He said they plan when they drive and have to think about food to make sure it’s scheduled into their hectic lives.

“It’s fun. We get to make a plan and accomplish it,” he said.

In addition to making them change their lives on the road, their daughter has had an impact on their creativity and inspiration. Hammel said Mates of State has a reputation of not writing just love songs specifically. He described their songs as fairly personal and said they are based on their life experiences, which oftentimes happen together.

After almost 10 years of playing together, Hammel and Gardner have grown together while sharing their music with anyone who will listen.

“It has been a roller coaster, and we have been through it together. Our relationship is stronger than ever and our inspiration and creativity are higher than ever. It feels good to record and then tour hard on an album,” Hammel said in the midst of a tour that will take them across the United States, to England and eventually to Australia.

This rise in creativity and inspiration has come mainly from their newfound need to schedule. They had to schedule their playing times around their daughter’s sleeping times, which they have now learned to appreciate.

“We would look forward to being able to sit around and write Monday through Friday from noon to 4 p.m.,” Hammel said.

Their increased creativity shows in their newest album, “Bring It Back,” which was released March 21. “Bring It Back” is Mates of States’ fourth full-length album, and they find it their most dynamic. They have been working on the album since their latest EP, “All Day,” which they released more than a year ago.

Hammel said it is the dynamics between the two and their attention to detail in the studio that brought out the best in the album. He finds they have achieved their goal by having rock songs coupled with a more mellow sound.

“Before our sound was very live. Now we take our time with each song, analyze each song and break down each part. Then we build up the mics around what the song requires. It is a lot more layered,” he said.