INTERVIEW: Slaughterhouse 6

Slaughterhouse 6

Derek Lambert, guitar

KS: What is your sound and how did you develop it?

DL:We try to combine elements of ska, punk, rock and occasional reggae. We developed this sound because we all listen to and enjoy these types of music, so it’s just what feels right to play.

KS: What separates you from other area bands?

DL: Well, there aren’t a lot of bands in this area playing ska music anymore. There are a few others starting to pop up now, but for a while we were the only one.

KS: What is the craziest thing that you have experienced together as a group?

DL: I think our craziest moment was at the School’s Out Show in 2005 at Vaudeville Mews. The place was packed, and we staged a fight between the Incredible Hulk and Jesus.

KS: When Rolling Stone asks you where exactly you come from, what will you tell them?

DL: If they were to ever ask us that, I would tell them that we come from the 515 local music scene. This is where we got started, and we would be nothing without it. I don’t think there’s a better scene for local music anywhere.