INTERVIEW: General Sherman

General Sherman

Dana Halferty, guitar/vocals

KS: Who are you as a group?

DH: General Sherman could probably be described best by the following words: youth, adventure, spinning, yo-yos, color, Narnia, whales and Volkswagen.

KS: What is the craziest thing that you have experienced together as a group?

DH:The craziest memories are probably tour memories. Tennessee was a weird state. We jumped off of 30-foot cliffs into mountain lakes. We also stayed at a guy’s house who had zombie heads hanging everywhere, and he happened to look like Rob Zombie’s crazy cousin.

KS: How has being a group in central Iowa affected your music?

DH: We’ve been blessed enough to be able to play lots of local shows, and get help from more developed local bands who have helped us shape our sound through experience and advice.

KS: When Rolling Stone asks you where exactly you come from, what will you tell them?

DH:Duh. Ankeny represent!