Grandma Mojo’s comedy leaves no topic untouched

Samantha Hedum

Ask any college student and they’ll tell you that a dollar doesn’t go far.

Aside from an hour of parking in the Memorial Union parking ramp or a can of Pepsi, it’s unlikely a dollar can be used for much on campus.

But for that same dollar, Grandma Mojo’s Moonshine Revival offers comedy sketches and slapstick entertainment that its members hope will have the audience laughing long after they’ve left.

Sitting in at a Grandma Mojo’s rehearsal is akin to watching standup on Comedy Central with a twist of “Who’s Line is it Anyway?”


What: Grandma Mojo’s Moonshine Revival

Where: Maintenance Shop

When: 10 p.m., Wednesday

Cost: $1

From skits including John Basedow and exchange students to a discussion with a gynecologist and an ice cream truck, the performers, who call themselves “Mojo’s,” practice improvisation skits that help them improve their techniques.

For some, even the way they went about joining the club is a comedy skit of its own.

“I followed a girl I thought was cute to audition,” said Dathan Brown, junior in pre-journalism and mass communications. “I came, auditioned and was glad I got in.”

This is Brown’s second year with Grandma Mojo’s.

Situations such as Brown’s are not uncommon for the group’s performances, which focus on student-centric comedy. Members say there are little to no restrictions on what they can and cannot do.

Performances can include anything from people dressed as chickens, clowns and Jesus, several racial skits and commentaries to the chance of someone losing their virginity.

Despite the large amount of freedom, however, it’s not always easy to come up with material.

“We’re either drowning [in material] or it’s a drought,” Brown said of the number of skits performed per show.

He said the group’s goal for the year includes selling out performances and doing as many shows as they can to get their name out.

The mojos are performing at Veishea with a comedy group from California who includes a former Mojo member.

“We’re doing bigger shows than we usually do,” said Levi Byers, senior in English.

The first Mojo performance will take place Wednesday.

Group members are looking for others who can work well with the group and encourage anyone to try out.

“Grandma Mojo’s is always looking for any confident, funny girls who are good at acting and willing to be crazy,” Byers said.