LETTER: GSB election debate at M-Shop Tuesday
February 21, 2006
Tuesday night the Government of the Student Body Election Commission’s president/vice president and senate debate will take place.
As election commissioner, I encourage everyone to attend. The debate will start at 7 p.m. in the Maintenance Shop of the Memorial Union. The debate is a great opportunity for ISU community members to interact with their future representatives.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to reiterate what I believe are the prerogatives of the Election Commission – to be objective and to run the election. The commission is the umpire of the game – we call the strikes and balls as delineated in the Election Code. We are neither the pitcher nor the batter – but rather simply facilitate a logistically complicated election system.
It is imperative that the scope of the commission entails solely running the logistics of the election. Success of an election commission has always been measured by how flawlessly the election and the election time line are executed. I believe thus far my commission has been above average and we have striven to do above and beyond what we are required to do.
I hope people take this opportunity to get to know their future representatives.
Mansoor Khadir
Election commissioner
Government of the Student Body