LETTER: GSB Senate provides services for students

We want to respond to the Daily’s Feb. 24 story “Senate focuses on GSB rules, could improve says members,” and give students an accurate representation of what the GSB Senate does for them.

The current senate has passed legislation to protect student interests in topics such as the hate speech from last summer, the keg ordinance, differential tuition for engineers, dining service privatization and tuition rates. We have lobbied the Ames City Council, the Board of Regents and Iowa Legislature to reinforce the messages sent by our legislation. When a student organization needs emergency funding for a project or event, they come to us. We connect to our constituencies by talking to the college and residence councils we represent, as well as talking to our classmates and friends.

The senate works for you.

We would like to address specific concerns in the article.

First, the focus of our body this year has not been internal changes. Only 15 to 20 percent of senate action has involved the rules of the senate, and the importance of these rule changes was understated in the article.

The senate is bound by its operating procedures so that no matter who is elected, the senate acts in a predictable manner with regard to important matters such as funding, debate and accountability. This predictability allows student groups to plan their finances.

Secondly, the debate in senate is essential to represent student interests. The executive branch has the opportunity to pick its cabinet and establish its agenda. The senate, however, thrives on conflicting viewpoints to establish the course of action believed to be best for the student body. This debate leads to student initiatives such as the Principles Commission, the Environmental Committee and the Safe Venues Committee.

Third, the senate is not lacking in leadership. Leadership is not in a title, but rather in the actions taken by senators. Leadership is expressing a new idea, sharing a differing viewpoint or persuading the senate body. That kind of leadership leads to results, and we utilize that leadership. Finally, there is no raging conflict between the branches.

If you want to see the senate in action, come to our meetings at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Memorial Union. If you want information about what your senators are doing for you, their contact information can be found at www.gsb.iastate.edu.

The only way to dispel the myths spread about our actions is for students to find the truth.

Jon Richardson

College of Engineering senator

Government of the Student Body

David Miles

College of Engineering senator

Government of the Student Body